About Us
Who We Are
A people who follow Jesus
We believe in Jesus and the Good News of Christ. We do our best to live out the life we hear Jesus calling us to live through the pages of the Bible. We believe that the Good News of Christ offers hope, and it is our mission to share this hope with our community through our giving, our service, our mission, and our worship. We believe that God is at work in our community through the Holy Spirit and that God invites us to partner with the Holy Spirit in transforming our community through hope, love, and grace.
A people with open hands and open hearts
We love to give, serve, and love. As followers of Jesus, we believe that we are called to welcome everyone, to serve everyone, to care for everyone, and to love everyone. No matter who you are, where you come from, or what you have or look like, you have a home waiting for you at Ballard UMC.
A people called United Methodists
As United Methodists we are connectional, meaning we work with others to carry out our ministries and bring more hope to more people who we would never have been able to reach on our own. Through our United Methodist connection we are fighting school segregation in New Jersey, aiding rebuilding efforts in Puerto Rico, training pastors in Tanzania, protesting immigrant detentions, and providing transformative experiences for young people.
As United Methodists we also value holiness. We believe in personal holiness, the responsibility of everyone to be the best they can be for themselves, for those around them, and for God. We also believe in social holiness, the responsibility we collectively have to transform our communal systems and ways of being so that justice, peace, and beloved community become the standards for our world. Please feel free to learn more about our Annual Conference, The Greater New Jersey United Methodist Church, which we belong to along with 550 other churches, and The United Methodist Church as a whole.
Contact us:
Ballard United Methodist Church
1515 Fourth Avenue
Asbury Park, NJ 07712
Church phone: (732)-663-9297
Church email: church@ballardumc.org